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TEDx is a grassroots initiative, created in the spirit of TED’s overall mission to research and discover “ideas worth spreading.” TEDx brings the spirit of TED to local communities around the globe through TEDx events. These events are organized by passionate individuals who seek to uncover new ideas and to share the latest research in their local areas that spark conversations in their communities.
TEDx events include live speakers and recorded TED Talks, are organized independently under a free license granted by TED. These events are not controlled by TED, but event organizers agree to abide by our format, and are offered guidelines for curation, speaker coaching, event organizing and more
They learn from us and from each other. More than 3000 events are now held annually.
Some TED Talks videos are selected from these events. More than 15.000 local and self organized events receive the TEDx brand, where x marks a TED event independently organized event. The TED Talks provides a TEDx program, but only approved licensed partners can organize an event. TEDx@PortoSeguroSchool, with this year theme “Pandemic: Year Zero. Let’s Reboot?”, represents a great and grandious opportunity for all students to showcase their projects to the world.
Meet our speakers
André Amaral Thiele studied in the German Curriculum of the Visconde de Porto Seguro School, graduated from high school in 2019 and abitur in 2020. Since he was a young man, he has shown great interest in social projects and this interest guided him in the direction of internationally recognized scientific works.
Gabriella Wertheimer Cinque fully believes in the power of relationships and how they can positively impact the construction of a much better world. She had contact with major organizations worldwide, participated in the Global Room project for a few years, carried out volunteer work and realized that, currently, the world is fully connected. The different is strange until you meet him, so why not take that first step towards rebooting a much more united world?
Guilherme Duran Vasconcelos is a 3rd grade student at Visconde de Porto Seguro School. Born and raised in São Paulo, he is admired for being a dedicated and respectful young man, as well as for his enthusiasm for developing different skills and embarking on new challenges. Educated always in a German college, Guilherme created an aptitude for the German language and developed a passion for creation and innovation, as well as for the exact areas. Persistent in his goals, he intends to finish abitur at Visconde de Porto Seguro School and then enter a university in Germany.
Juliana Pires Bassotto is a student at Visconde de Porto Seguro School and is currently attending the 2nd grade of high school. She is interested to issues related to both family and mental health issues, believing that talking about these issues can bring attention to society and help in times of overcoming.
Lara Zuliani de Arruda is a 14 years old and is in the 9th grade of elementary school. Being the daughter of teachers and an extremely curious person, for her, the simple act of knowing is a gift, because only through it we can understand the world in which we live, develop our own thoughts and not give answers, but ask new questions. As a young woman, you know that “the future is in our hands”, but I don’t want to wait until the future to try to change the world. In TEDx@PortoSeguroSchool, she will talk about sustainable agriculture. If we don’t change our behavior, we should start asking ourselves: what if the fertile soil runs out?
Laura Livero dos Santos was always fascinated in how the humanity would develop skills and new technologies, so that she could overcome all the difficulties that can overcome in the future. Currently a 9th grader, In TEDx@PortoSeguroSchool, she’ll talk about her interests and how we’re going to behave in a compact future, how overpopulation is involved, and how technology will help all of us.
Leonardo Martins studies in the 1st grade of high school, his two great passions are economics and technology. From an early age, he began to make his first ventures on the Internet. At the age of 12, he was already selling toys online and, over time, discovered his great passion: blockchain. Leonardo believes that this technology, along with cryptocurrencies, can bring about a major revolution for humanity in the coming years, and that’s what it will address in its TEDx.
Luana is in the second year of high school at Visconde de Porto Seguro School, since the beginning of the pandemic, she has been dedicating herself to a process of self-knowledge and personal growth and wants to share ideas and learnings that help others find their way following their passions and enjoying every moment. Her greatest passions are ballet and fine arts. In TEDx@PortoSeguroSchool, Luana will talk about how to become her best version at the present time.
Mariana Moura is 18 years old and is a former student of Visconde de Porto Seguro School. Currently studies Creative Arts and believes in the potential that creativity can change the world.
Marina Illi is in the 9th year Curriculum B of Visconde de Porto Seguro School. She’s always been very interested in the fields of medicine and neuroscience. Loves to paint, read, watch series and anything that involves the art of imagining.
Marina Ferraz studies in the 2nd grade at Visconde de Porto Seguro School. Learning and growing are her great goals in life, very engaged and committed to the struggle for gender equity, her search for a fairer and less violent world, always trying to make people more aware of her actions. In TEDx@PortoSeguroSchool, she will talk about feminism in postmodern society, aiming to clarify several misconceptions about feminism, encouraging open conversation and the struggle for equitable rights.
Mya Sarah Brenes Moreira studies at Visconde de Porto Seguro School and is very interested in any subject that has to do with communication. She is very concerned about what our future is going to be like and believes that each of us can bring an idea to help us improve. At TEDx@PortoSeguroSchool, she will talk about the power that conversation can have in the environments and hopes to influence many people.
Pietro Andrade Quinzani is 15 years old, is a 1st year high school student at Visconde de Porto Seguro School, in the Bilingual Curriculum. He has participated in the first edition of TEDx@Porto Seguro with a presentation on environmental preservation and today will talk about post-truth and disinformation in the scientific context.
Rafaela Dollinger Mazzuia, a student at Visconde de Porto Seguro School and passionate about knowledge, tells a little about what she learned from the pandemic and how it transformed her perception of life.
Rodrigo Camargo is a 15-year-old boy, a student at Visconde de Porto Seguro School. Being curious and this curiosity led him to know and learn about different topics. At TEDx, you’ll talk about one of the subjects that interests him the most: space, more specifically space trash, and how it can hinder humanity’s plans for space exploration.
Silmara Casadei holds a PhD and master’s degree in Education from the Pontifícia Universidade Católica of São Paulo (PUC), with an MBA in People Development and Management from FGV (Getúlio Vargas Foundation) and a degree in Pedagogy from the University of Grande ABC. She is the Pedagogical and Educational headmistress at Visconde de Porto Seguro School since 2012.
She has experience in Education, with emphasis on management of educational divisions, working mainly on the following topics: Early Childhood Education and early grades, Elementary School, High School, peace education, teacher training and family guidance. She is the author of children’s books, with 32 literary works, among which stand out A Menina e seus pontinhos (Cortez Editora) and Bullying não é amor. With Mario Sergio Cortella, wrote O que é a Pergunta? and coordinates the collection Tá sabendo?; With Nilson José Machado and Michele Rascalha, he wrote the Collection Seis Razões (books intended for environmental preservation) by the publisher . She was curator of content of the SESC exhibition “Por quê? Porque… Os porquês…” and awarded the Centennial Necklace by the Historical and Geographical Institute of São Paulo for all her work when addressing themes about the culture of environmental and social peace. She is also a member of the Historical Institute of São Paulo and the Academia das Letras of São Paulo.
Francisco Tupy Gomes Correa is a teacher of Digital Literacy and coordinator of Special Projects at Visconde de Porto Seguro School, phD from ECA-USP researching games. He studied in the education program of Krishnamurti Foundation Academy and University of California Santa Barbara. He is a game designer, international speaker and advisor to award-winning students at various science fairs.
He is 17 years old student at Visconde de Porto Seguro School. He loves many sports, speaking new languages, meeting new cultures; learning from them is one of your greatest interests. Therefore, when he had the opportunity to participate in TEDx, he was very happy and decided to talk about the environment, more specifically about Brazil, a country of extreme importance in food production and its huge areas of natural preservation, which gives it a prominent place on the world stage.
Natália Siqueira Biasotto is a 5th year student and participates in the College Youth Orchestra. When she was three years old, she attended, with her family, a musical concert that sparked her passion for the violin. Since then, she has studied the instrument with a lot of love and dedication.
She really likes to study. Walking her puppies and playing with friends are her favorite activities.
Diretora institucional de Educação Digital